Most of the state ruling party thugs will be recruited into the state police – Senator Shehu Sani

Most of the state ruling party thugs will be recruited into the state police - Senator Shehu Sani

Senator Shehu Sani has expressed his reservations over the creation of state police. 

In a post shared on his X handle, the politician mentioned some of the ills associated with the creation of the state police. He wrote

‘’The idea that State Police will solve all the security problems in the Country is a mirage.What magic can the state police perform that the military,police and civil defence couldn’t?..The State police will simply be an armed wing of the ruling party of each state.Its a recipe for anarchy.

The State police will be used by the Governors to persecute the opposition, to harass ‘non indigenes’, to rig elections and to counter the federal police in case of conflict of interest between the federal government and the state. Most of the state ruling party thugs will be recruited into the state police.”

Most of the state ruling party thugs will be recruited into the state police - Senator Shehu Sani

by Linda Ikeji
at 19/02/2024 12:42 PM




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The people proposing this are accidental clueless in economic issues, they are like the bulabas and the emefiele policies of cbn, proven to fail because they’re not properly analyzed

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Unfortunately, this man is right.
We as Nigerians still struggle with Democracy and how best to make it work for us as a people. Until we mature enough, state police is just going to compound our problems.

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I thought this man has a progressive mind. There will be abuses quite alright but we need state police. INEC is not abuse free but we cannot jettison it , same goes for useless judiciary. Since we copy American democracy we should also copy their policing system.

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For this Shehu Sani is very correct.
With our typical mind set, which affect the way we practice democracy here.
Our politics is mostly tribal and of bitterness, our tribal relationship is continously bitter to the core.
State police will be a tool for the state’s rulling party to suppress opposition.
One can still remember the days of ‘majamaja’ in Lagos.

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but those that they are oppressing would be their own ppl.. they will settle amongst them selves. Ppl would be accountable to their own as against this present arrangement

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Sir, there are state or regional policing all over the developed world. I live in Canada, a country of just 40 million people and yet every province has it’s own police, but also there is presence of the federal police. It is by far the best option for effective policing. So what exactly are you trying to say sir?

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The present centralized policing structure has completely failed, we need to try a new approach state police supported by community policing is the way foreard. State police should only carry pistols, when more fire power are required the federal police can be called in. It means State Police officers will be trained marksman. My wish is that minimum requirement to join must be bsc/hnd.

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what are they recruiting at present?… is it any different from what they will recruit then…?The state police would be better cause it would be indigene again indigene. When there are issues they will have elders to settle it.. At present what do we have . unknown police terrorizing in locations posted to. Be state police would be better

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