Same-sex marriage: Parishioner condemns removal and persecution of US-based Nigerian Catholic priest over homophobic comments

 Parishioner condemns removal and persecution of US-based Nigerian Catholic priest over homophobic comments

A parishioner, Doug Dulock, has decried the alleged persecution of a Nigerian priest, Rev. Fr. Anthony Odiong of St. Mary Church of the Assumption Catholic Parish in Luling, Louisiana, New Orleans, United States of America over alleged homophobic remarks. 

The Archdiocese of New Orleans abruptly dismissed Rev. Fr. Odiong in December 2023, filed a report with a law enforcement agency about the clergyman and asked him to leave the rectory where had been for several years.

The New Orleans archbishop, Gregory Aymond, told Odiong’s bishop in Nigeria to recall him to his home diocese “as soon as possible to address these concerns”, officials said in a statement.

Odiong’s dismissal came shortly after a November 26, 2023 mass, during which he made disparaging remarks about LGBTQ people. 

He has been preaching against same-sex marriage, homosexuality, and other teachings that do not go down well with the church authority in the US. 

Odiong, who was ordained a priest in the Catholic Diocese of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State before he travelled to the United States, reportedly likened members of the LGBTQ community to “monkeys and animals and chimpanzees” in the sermon and warned of a purported takeover of the church. 

The archdiocese’s statement did not deny that it found Odiong’s remarks to be problematic and suggested that the comments may have expedited a departure originally scheduled for January. 

“Unfortunately, Father Anthony’s words and actions since being informed of this decision have led us to take action to relieve him as a pastor now,” the statement added. 

The statement didn’t disclose any details about what they reported to law enforcement but they said their “concerns” about Odiong didn’t involve the abuse of minors or a member of the St. Anthony Parish.

However, according to The Guardian, the priest is facing allegations of abusive behaviour.

A woman who claimed to have known the priest since 2007 has accused him of years of controlling, manipulative and lewd behaviour that included sexual and financial abuse, her attorney, Kristi Schubert, said. 

Odiong’s attorney, Stephen Haedicke, said that his client categorically denies the false allegations that have been made against him. 

“Here, not a single law enforcement agency has taken this accuser seriously, a fact which goes a long way towards showing her claims are simply unworthy of belief,” Haedicke said.

But Doug Dulock, one of the parishioners, in a statement he personally signed and made available to journalists in Abakaliki, the Ebonyi State capital, backed Rev. Odiong’s teachings and condemned his alleged persecution.

He opined that the Catholic priest has done no wrong in his teachings, as according to him, he is doing the work of God and has changed lives and brought many people to the church. 

“I write this regarding Fr. Anthony Odiong’s circumstances in the United States. I am a resident of West Texas, where I met Fr. Anthony at St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption. I am pleased to have Fr. Anthony as a friend and spiritual advisor. I visited Fr. Anthony in Lulling, Louisiana, and travelled with Fr. Anthony to Medjugorje in 2018, 2021, and 2023. Fr. Anthony has changed the lives of many people with his teachings,” he wrote. 

“While in Medjugorje in 2021, Fr. Anthony was invited to join Mirjana during the Apparition. Fr. Anthony was in tears during the apparition, and something changed in him. After that trip, I believe he was more than ever before devoted to the Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, God’s number one messenger.

“Fr. Anthony is only a messenger sharing Mary’s vision of bringing people closer to God by constructing retreat centres with a prayer chapel in Lulling, LA, West, TX, and Florida. The diocese doesn’t share this vision.

“I never witnessed inappropriate behaviour on our trips to Medjugorje or when visiting with Fr. Anthony. Father Anthony was accused of misconduct in 2018 and 2023 that wasn’t investigated, and no criminal charges were ever filed. Fr. Anthony asked the diocese to investigate. In the world we live in now, unfounded accusations in the media are the same as guilt.

“On one trip, I tell people of a time we were at a restaurant across the street from St. James Church in Medjugorje. While at the restaurant, strangers would line up to ask Fr. Anthony for a blessing. After dinner with friends, we walked across the street for adoration at St. James. As soon as we approached the church, I noticed Fr. Anthony’s demeanour changed from enjoying friends to getting serious about doing God’s work. I was impressed with his devotion to the Lord

“The people from the City of West liked Fr. Anthony very much and collected money to send him to Rome for his studies. This was after the diocese refused Fr. Anthony’s request for funds. This must have angered the diocese; Fr. Ed and Fr. Boniface were moved to other parishes. Fr. Anthony transferred to Lulling, LA. West had the 3 best priests in the world and a thriving parish.

“The next 2 priests in the West were not close to the people in the congregation. People started to leave the church. I have heard many people write to Bishop Joe and want to meet with him. I haven’t heard of anyone from the City of West receiving a reply or meeting with the bishop.

“When a congregation member wanted to show his appreciation to St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption in 2017, he constructed a football field and prayer garden for the school. He wanted to name the complex in Fr Ed and Fr Isidore’s names, and Fr Anthony had the dedication. 

“This person thought he was doing something good and was giving this to the school. The diocese said the complex can’t be named with the priests’ names, and Fr. Anthony was banned from celebrating mass in the Austin Diocese.

“This person didn’t give the complex to the church and named the complex after the priests’ names. He leases the complex to the school for one dollar a year and pays maintenance costs. This person has tried to meet with Bishop Joe since 2017 to explain everything. Bishop Joe will not meet with him.

“The congregation of St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption is getting smaller. Some members are leaving the Catholic Church. Many members of the congregation go to church in surrounding parishes. It is sad to look back at the thriving parish and now, with an ageing congregation

“The diocese sent a letter to be read in the area churches. The letter states that no one should socialise with Fr. Anthony. Why? Instead of condemning, why not give an explanation why Fr. Anthony can’t celebrate mass and the congregation can decide if they want to socialise with him? Fr. Anthony is going through trials and tribulations like many of the people in the Bible.

“The Bible teaches compassion, forgiveness, and love for each other. I hate to speak negatively of those who represent God, but their actions do not represent compassion, forgiveness, or love. Fr. Anthony changed lives and brought many people to the church.

“I remember Fr. Anthony’s homily in St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption one month before the explosion in 2013. Fr. Anthony said, “Pray, you are living history, and you don’t even know it.”. About a month later, the explosion was on the world news. He didn’t predict the explosion. He told us to pray because you don’t know the final hour.

“I believe Fr. Anthony has done no wrong. We will wait for the outcome. If the Blessed Mother wants to fulfil her vision for America, it will happen. From my perspective, Fr. Anthony has done no wrong. Maybe one day someone can explain why all these things are happening to us and the church,” Dulock stated. 

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